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企 业 名 称:宁波天赐兄弟水表水暖有限公司

所 属 网 库:宁波建筑网库

联 系 人:岑淑林先生

职 位:五金车间供销

员 工 人 数:101 - 200 人

主 营 产 品:水龙头快开阀芯 三角阀 水表 水表机芯 铜水暖配件

公 司 地 址:中国 浙江 慈溪市 新浦工业区

联 系 电 话:86-0574-63577471

移 动 电 话:13631....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0574-63577469

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;生产加工

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    主 营 行 业:水龙头 快开、阀芯 三角阀 水表


      宁波天赐兄弟水表水暖有限公司是位于风景秀丽、交通便捷的杭州湾畔——新浦镇工业开发区。 是一家专业研发、生产阀门系列和水表机芯的企业。公司离杭州湾大桥南岸入口非常的近。这是人杰地灵,绵亘七千年的古越文明在改革开放大潮的推动下越发璀璨。诚实求实、奋发创新、精益求精。已成为本企业兴盛的灵魂。 本企业融开发、生产、管理、销售、服务于一体。技术力量雄厚,质量管理结构严密,可满足不同客户的特殊需求。大批量定货,交货周期短,质量稳定。公司生产的阀门系列和水表机芯深受国内外客户的信赖和好评。 本公司将不断提高产品质量和品味,致力于新产品的开发和现有产品的完善,继续加强与国内外新老客户以不同形式的交流和合作,携手共创广阔的新天地。 Company Profile Our company specializes in the production of Valves, valve core and water meter movements ! The company is conveniently located in xinpu Town Industrial Development Zone, by the side of HangZhou Bay, near the HangZhou Bay Bridge under construction... On this land teeming with outstanding people ,a 7000-year-old civilization has continued and prospered in the current reform and open-up movement. Credit worthiness, bold innovation and constant improvement are now the core spirit of our company. The enterprise combines development, production, management, sales and service in its operation. It has a strong technical force and rigorous quality control system to meet different customer needs Fast delivery and steady product quality are ensured for large orders. The sanitary ware and water meter movements of the company are widely acclaimed among domestic and overseas customers. The factory shall continue to enhance the product quality and standard. It shall devote major effort to development of new products and improvements over existing ones, continue to cooperate with both old and new customers at home and abroad in an effort to create a better tomorrow.
      Tianci is located near the shore of the East China Sea in the south bank of Hangzhou Bay and separated from Shanghai only by a strip of water.。
    评论:宁波天赐兄弟水表水暖有限公司 (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
    1.发布链接广告我们是不会审核通过的. 2.对公司求职应聘的信息请直接联系公司. 3.请不要发布违反法律和道德底线的文字.
    网评:宁波天赐兄弟水表水暖有限公司坐落于中国 浙江 慈溪市 新浦工业区,主营行业是水暖五金。
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