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企 业 名 称:福田区华强电子世界鹏城科技展销部二部

所 属 网 库:深圳建筑网库

联 系 人:张小妹女士

员 工 人 数:1000 人以上

主 营 产 品:移动硬盘 原装移动硬盘 U盘

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 深圳市福田区 深圳市福田区华强电子世界4B066

联 系 电 话:86-0755-83759912

电 子 邮 箱:

移 动 电 话:13632....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0755-83759912

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:个体经营 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:移动硬盘 U盘 硬盘


    福田区华强电子世界鹏城科技展销部成立于2001年,在公司成立之前,于1999年已投身于计算机硬件领域,自公司成立以来,一直从事IT软、硬件及数码产品的研发与销售,网络系统集成、开发应用及技术支持于一体的实体公司。长期以来拥有一大批富有创新精神和专业知识的熟练技术人员以及经过专业培训的售前和售后高素质服务人员。深受客户的一致好评。 公司的主营产品有:电脑、电脑周边产品及数码产品。包括:键盘,鼠标,蓝牙耳机,电脑耳机,MP3、MP4、U盘、数码相机、移动硬盘,硬盘盒,网络产品,兼容机,品牌机等。代理品牌:BENQ,爱国者。 公司始终不渝地奉行“质优价廉、信誉至上、服务第一”的服务宗旨,愿与海内外朋友携手共进,开创新世纪的伟业。 如果您想以超值的价格买到理想的产品,如果您想让您的业绩越来越好,别等了,立即和我们联系吧! The Futian District Huaqiang electronic world Pengcheng science and technology sale office was established in 2001,the company has been engaged in the IT software and hardware and the digital product research and development and the sale, the network system integration, the development application and the technical support in a body's entity company. Since long has a large quantities of rich innovative spirit and the specialized knowledge skilled technical personnel as well as undergoes the professional training pre-sale and the post-sale high quality service personnels. Depth customer consistent high praise. The Corporation's main business product includes: Computer, computer peripheral product and digital product. Including: The keyboard, the mouse, the blue tooth earphone, the computer earphone, MP3, MP4, the U plate, the digital camera, move the hard disk, the hard disk box, the network product, the compatible machine, the brand machine and so on. Proxy brand: BENQ,AIGO. Corporation steadfastly carries out “the high quality at low price, the prestige supreme, serve first” the service objective, is willing to advance together hand in hand with everywhere friends, founds the new century the cause. if you want to buy the ideal product by the over value price, if you want to let your achievement be getting better and better, have not waited, contacts immediately with us!
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网评:福田区华强电子世界鹏城科技展销部二部坐落于中国 广东 深圳市福田区 深圳市福田区华强电子世界4B066,主营行业是楼宇设施。
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