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Beijing jilili handicraft co.,

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企 业 名 称:Beijing jilili handicraft co.,

所 属 网 库:朝阳区建筑网库

联 系 人:ZHU YU先生

职 位:MarketManager

员 工 人 数:51 - 100 人

主 营 产 品:Carpet Silkcarpet Woolcarpet Tapestry

公 司 地 址:中国 北京 北京市朝阳区 No.46 Liang Ma Qiao road Chaoyang Beijing China

联 系 电 话:86-010-64604220

邮 政 编 码:100026

移 动 电 话:13611....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-010-64604220

注 册 资 金:未知

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    经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;经销批发

    主 营 行 业:地毯 挂毯 棉毯 其他毯子


      手工制作的丝毯,选用真正的比较自然蚕丝,严格按照传统的编织工艺,以传统图案和故事为题材,经过工艺美术师的才情创造和能工巧匠的精心编织出来的丝毯,图案、色彩,或清爽飘逸,或端庄高贵,中国地毯和波斯地毯一样历史悠久,享有盛誉.羊毛、蚕丝的质地柔和,色泽华丽,用它织成的地毯是其它原料所不能相比.故而中国手工真丝地毯,特别是高道数,精细的,数年方可完成的真丝挂毯倍受收藏人士的青睐,被世人称为“软黄金”.每一块都是独一无二的极具使用价值和收藏价值的工艺品. Chinese carpets have centuries-old history enjoying great reputation. Assimilating the essence of Persian carpet industry, the skillful Chinese craftsmen improved the workmanship of carpet weaving to the peak of perfection. Chinese hand-made silk rugs have soft texture and shining colors. Persian carpets are famous for the various designs with ethnical traits. Chinese carpets also indicate its national styles. The traditional Chinese designs (dragon’s images, peony flowers) and auspicious symbols (longevity symbols) are always weaved on carpets. Traditional Chinese design silk carpets are always sheared so the motifs of the carpets are very vivid and they look like sculptures. Persian design carpets are also popular in China. Chinese craftsmen have weaved incredible refined Persian design silk rugs with much higher density of knots than the Iranian and Turkish carpets.Persian carpets made in China are always purely silk made in stead of wool made. Chinese craftsmen even knotted the top quality silk rugs with one million knots per square foot.
      Beijing jilili handicraft co.,LtdCarpet;Silkcarpet;Woolcarpet;Tapestry; 网站首页 公司介绍 供应产品 联系方式 诚信档案联系方式 联系人:ZHU YU。
    评论:Beijing jilili handicraft co., (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
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    网评:Beijing jilili handicraft co.,坐落于中国 北京 北京市朝阳区 No.46 Liang Ma Qiao road Chaoyang Beijing China,主营行业是地毯。
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